We are the largest palm tree supplier on Long Island.
We sell and install Cold Hardy and Tropical palm trees for your home or business.

Some of the Services we provide: 

1) Sell, install & maintain Cold Hardy palm trees that will live year after year planted in the ground.

2) Winterization procedures for all Cold-Hardy palms.

3) Spring fertilization & maintenance of palms. 

4) Tropical palms in pots for around pool, deck or outdoor dining areas

5) Storage of Tropical palms in greenhouse for winter. 

6) Landscape design & architecture.

7) Custom built pots & planters

Love the tropics but can't move there? We sell and deliver LARGE COLD HARDY PALM TREES to your home or business. Make your neighbors take a second look. WE ARE EXPERIENCED TROPICAL PLANT GROWERS who know what it takes to GROW PALMS IN THE GROUND on LONG ISLAND -- Having lived in the tropics for many years, we have the experience and know how to provide the extra care it takes in our climate to make your trees look beautiful year after year with only minimal protection. We will not just sell you a tree and say "Have a nice Day". We have palm trees from 5-25ft tall. You will feel like you're sitting on Miami Beach. We will explain how to take care of them and give you the available options for winterizing.. 

Long Island Palms & Tropicals
